Get your own server, in the cloud
All of our cloud servers come with premium off-server backups from Backoops and full management support
- 50 GB SSD Space
- 1 vCPU Core
- 2 GB RAM
- 1000 GB Transfer
- Backups 3x Day
- Management
- CloudLinux OS
- Imunify360
- LiteSpeed Web Server
- 200 GB SSD Space
- 2 vCPU Cores
- 8 GB RAM
- 1000 GB Transfer
- Backups 3x Day
- Management
- CloudLinux OS
- Imunify360
- LiteSpeed Server
- 300 GB SSD Space
- 4 vCPU Cores
- 16 GB RAM
- 1000 GB Transfer
- Backups 3x Day
- Management
- CloudLinux OS
- Imunify360
- LiteSpeed Web Server
- 600 GB SSD Space
- 8 vCPU Cores
- 32 GB RAM
- 1000 GB Transfer
- Backups 3x Day
- Management
- CloudLinux OS
- Imunify360
- LiteSpeed Web Server
- 1 TB SSD Space
- 16 vCPU Cores
- 64 GB RAM
- 1000 GB Transfer
- Backups 3x Day
- Management
- CloudLinux OS
- Imunify360
- LiteSpeed Web Server
Amazing speed through amazing technology
Amazing Storage
Our Storpool multi-node, multi-mirror SAN provides us with high performance, highly available and scalable storage without the limitations and costs of a traditional SAN.
Amazing Power
Intel® Xeon® processors power our cloud, giving you the power you need to serve your customers quickly and realiably.
Amazing Software
Our OpenNebula cloud provides a robust platform for you to build on top of. With inbuilt server failover you’re protected against hardware failures without having to code or monitor anything.
Amazing Speed
OnApp Edge Accelerator is a quick, easy and included way for you to speedup your websites and applications. With just a couple of clicks you can reduce site loads times by 50%.
Integrated backups
Built-in backups. Restore your server or individual files.
Flexible Restoration
Just a couple of clicks awayRestore your whole server, or a single file in clicks and seconds. No messing with finding a snapshot, turning it in to a server, starting it, finding the file and copying it over.
As Standard
Yes, it's included for freeWe don’t charge extra for you to make sure your files and data are safe. It’s all part of the standard service. Your data is your business after all.
- Backup Space
- Backups
- Backup Retention
- Hourly Backups
- Daily Backups
- Weekly Backups
- Monthly Backups
- Encryption
- Easy Access
- 1x Space
- Backup 3x Day
- 2 Days
- 7 Days
- 4 Weeks
- 3 Months
- Encrypted
- Easy Access
- 2x Space
- Backup 6x Day
- 7 Days
- 2 Weeks
- 6 Weeks
- 4 Months
- Encrypted
- Easy Access
- 3x Space
- Backup 12x Day
- 14 Days
- 4 Weeks
- 8 Weeks
- 6 Months
- Encrypted
- Easy Access
Fully managed virtual servers
cPanel Solo to manage your site, with cPanel or Plesk upgrades available to further enhance your server.
Managed backups to protect your customer’s valuable data. Restore files in seconds.
Full support need something installing? Not sure why some code doesn’t work? Call us.
Backoops is a trademark of KDA Web Services Ltd.
AMD and the AMD Arrow Logo, AMD EPYC and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Intel and Xeon are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Microsoft and Windows Server are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.